
PALM (Physics: Atoms, Light, Matter) is a laboratory of excellence of the Paris-Saclay campus scientific community. It was created by the Fondation for Scientific Cooperation of the Paris-Saclay campus. PALM is supported by the great French research and University training institutions (CNRS, Université Paris-Sud, Ecole Polytechnique, CEA, Institut d'Optique Graduate School, Onera, ENSTA, ENS Cachan, Ecole Centrale and Synchrotron Soleil). PALM gathers more than 700 permanent physicists (researchers, university lecturers and researchers, engineers...) working on a broad set of subjects in fundamental and applied physics.
NEC employees pride themselves on making a wide variety of Pelletron accelerator systems to meet customers' needs. To date we have manufactured over 230 Pelletron systems with sales in over 50 countries throughout the world. These systems produce ion beams of essentially all stable nuclei with energies ranging from a few keV to hundreds of MeV. The Pelletron is the world's only commercially available accelerator that incorporates an all metal and ceramic acceleration tube with no organic material in the vacuum volume.
Polytech Paris-Sud Polytech Paris-Sud
Polytech Paris-Sud is a selective School of Engineering. Over 650 students enrol at the Paris-Sud University School of Engineering every year. One of the distinctive characteristics of Polytech engineers is that throughout their training they are in close contact with the world of research, thus gaining cutting-edge knowledge in high technology fields (electronics and embedded systems, electrical engineering, computer engineering, materials engineering and photonics), together with the communication, language, and management skills every engineer needs. In addition to the conventional curriculum, in which students start their studies after completing an initial two-year course, Paris-Sud Polytech also offers sandwich degrees. Students holding a Master of Engineering degree can either then choose to pursue a PhD, or enter their career field.
Le "Réseau d'excellence francilien sur les Matériaux oxydes - OxyMORE " a été créé le 18 Novembre 2011 dans le cadre des 16 Domaines d'Intérêt Majeur (DIM) décidés par le Conseil Régional d'Ile-de-France. Il vise à permettre des partenariats multidisciplinaires originaux entre des équipes de recherche à forte visibilité nationale et internationale en Physique et Chimie du solide, sciences de l'Univers et de l'Environnement, sciences de l'Ingénieur, sciences du Patrimoine.
Faculté des Sciences d'Orsay Faculté des Sciences d'Orsay
The Faculty of Sciences of the Université Paris-Sud, located on the Orsay campus, welcomes over 13,000 students and 2,100 PhD students, and has a staff of 1,700 professors and researchers and 1,800 administrative and technical workers. Its numerous academic buildings and 41 research laboratories are located on an exceptional 200-acre woodland site containing many rare species of flora. Education and research programs cover the fields of biology, chemistry, electronics, computer sciences, mechanics, mathematics, physics, earth sciences and physical education.
As the French leader for research on materials for nuclear applications, CEA launched the MINOS project (Materials Innovation for Nuclear Optimized Systems) in 2011. This centre of excellence for nuclear materials was created by the Nuclear Energy Division (DEN) to promote, strengthen, and optimize research programs on materials used for nuclear power reactors and activities for the back end of the fuel cycle. It brings together all of the skills and means of DEN division dedicated to nuclear materials.
LabEx P2IO LabEx P2IO
P2IO is one of the 100 laboratories of excellence (LabEx) approved by the French Government in March 2011 within the framework of future investments funded by the large governmental loan, officially called "Grand Emprunt" of 2010. P2IO defines itself as the network of all laboratories in Paris region involved in physics of the infinitely small to the infinitely large and study of conditions for the appearance of life. P2IO acts like as such networks, in a direct way, by funding a number of actions, and more indirectly, by promoting better cooperation between its members and providing a contact point for external partnerships, including those from the Saclay’s Plateau.
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